Desert Pirate Radio
The Archive of Desert Pirate Radio.
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34 episodes
Whats next for DPR?
My Love for you is imminence but it's a piss stain the cloth of the universe compared to how much God loves you.There is only one take away ; Trust God and hold on for the ride.
[BG] Chris QnA?
[01:24] If science was run and done by christians would their be a difference in how it is done or what would be researched?[04:11] As an organisation not part of a particular church subgroup, how do you deal with different views ...
[BF]What question would you like to ask the listener?
I stood up so now you do your part:https://app.wooclap.com/CHRISMQNAThe next thing you know is a wet hand grabbing your noose pulling you down.You had never been eye to eye with a ...
[BE]Is Humanity heading towards Control through Technology and science?
Ask away: https://app.wooclap.com/CHRISMQNAAt first you think it's someone moving the shelves then you see it. a can of Vegan flavored fried Chicken soup opening it's self up, like a teenager on a youth camp.Out from with in...
[BD]Does studying science deepen you appreciation of God?
Ask away: https://app.wooclap.com/CHRISMQNA"Another day, another soup." you mumble to yourself as you look at the wall of soups.Now do you want 'Gluten Free Bean Feed Chicken Soup" or do you crave 'Gluten Full Chicken Feed Bean ...
[BB] Do you think We live in a simulation?
Ask a question: https://app.wooclap.com/CHRISMQNAWhat if your friends see you? What if you start to like the music?As you step out beyond the curtain the room i...
[BA] How does interpretation of the bible affect your faith?
As the billowing dust falls from the curtains.You hear it. The combination, The *Tss ts tss tsss*,the *Bm bm bm badm bm bm* and that noise.It sends chills down your spine.It's far worse than you first though...
Season 5
Episode 5
[AZ] Has the church slowed down the progress of science?
*Bm bm bm badm bm bm*With each pluck of what you assume is a double base you feel the air shake.You step forward towards the curtains. Your favorite sock (the left one) catching on a nail, cold air gushing in. Is this a metaphor...
Season 5
Episode 4
[AY]Why should God stop after creating humans?
You jump out of bed. Rage in your eyes. You have had enough. You don’t care. Your going to commit the sin of breaking someones drum kit.But where you stand is not longer your droopy old flat. You’re no longe...
Season 5
Episode 3
[AX] How would the existence of Aliens affect your faith?
Ask Chris a question: https://app.wooclap.com/CHRISMQNA?from=event-page"A snare drum!" You exasperatedly exclaim to your self. "At this hour, In this neighborhood. AT THIS ...
Season 5
Episode 2
[AW] Does science and faith co-exist?
Just as you are just about to dive off the edge into the great big cushion sleep, there it is again. The sound of a snare drum. You jolt up. But it's stopped.Is this the bounds of your sanity, unwrapping?
Season 5
Episode 1
[AV] How to get the most out of the bible?
As a recovering addict you see it everywhere. But every time you see it, theirs a choice. Every time you choose not to participate in it, it's grip on you loosens a little bit.Hi my name is Petra and I used to be addicted to the Soup...
Season 4
Episode 3
[AU] What is the bible?
So I first heard about it from a friend. He said they had been tabling in it and trying it out. I trusted them and realized that it wasn't to hard to get in. So went online and found a guide.What the guides don't tell you is that ...
Season 4
Episode 2
[AT]Why the bible?
Welcome to a world where things you can't quite imagine are served up with bread and butter.As one dives into the broth based realm, things will start to get slippery, concepts will begin to liquefy. Thoughts you thought where cru...
Season 4
Episode 1
[AS] The Invitation (TCME)
Hello listener. As you get ready to listen to this show, be aware. This one is different.[02:21] The dream, The invitationThe invitation is given out freely and generously. All you have to do i...
Season 3
Episode 2
[AR] How did you first hear about God? (TCME)
Truly it was a very exciting time for the Town of "AHH Get it off of me". For it was a day of celebration, the day they took their yearly town photo.As the flew the drone up to get a picture of their lovely town they saw something. Some...
Season 3
Episode 1
[AN] Anton and Wendy QnA?
Guys look what I found. How cool is that. You guys aren't looking. LOOOOOOOOOK. It's massive, I don't know if you can read what it says at the top but I think it goes as follows:[00:32] Making a bridge with Faith fuller[04:...
Season 2
Episode 7
[AM] How can I improve my hospitality?
LAST CHANCE TO SEND IN YOUR QNA questions:https://app.wooclap.com/DPRAM?from=status-bar Listen hear buddy, You don't come in here, still my food and start making ransom demands. If you want to say this side of the life meter, I...
Season 2
Episode 6
[AL]How has hospitality strengthened your faith?
QnA link: https://app.wooclap.com/HLDPR?from=status-barHello in in today's PT session we will be working on the Quads, Here are the exercises we will be doing[01:03] How to write a song with Faith fuller[04:51] How ...
Season 2
Episode 5